A risk-based approach to adopting AI in insurance

A risk-based approach to adopting AI in insurance

AI-powered recommendation engines and computer vision technologies offer real-time, precise analytics and generative AI further extends these capabilities by facilitating the creation of new content and designs with ease. But is it all just a hype? Tiffine Wang, an investment partner at MS&AD Ventures, dives into this question.

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The case for crypto in IRA accounts

The case for crypto in IRA accounts

Eric Satz, co-founder and CEO of Alto, makes an argument for crypto as a retirement savings vehicle.

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BNPL shines a light on the credit data reporting problem

BNPL shines a light on the credit data reporting problem

Christian Widhalm, CEO of Bloom Credit, argues the consumer credit reporting system is in need of a makeover as consumers increasingly use alternative lending products.

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How AI can outsmart financial criminals

How AI can outsmart financial criminals

Vall Herard, the CEO of Saifr, shares how augmenting human expertise with machine precision allows advanced AI to dramatically boost the efficacy, efficiency, and scale of AML and KYC solutions.

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How to make a BaaS program work

How to make a BaaS program work

Steve Mattus, chief investment officer at SigFig, shares best practices on how to build a scalable BaaS program.

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