Beyond LLMs: Why AI agents are the real game changer for lending

Beyond LLMs: Why AI agents are the real game changer for lending

Marco Montes de Oca, AI lead at EnFi, discusses how AI agents could transform lending.

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Marketplace lending sobering needs more time.

Marketplace lending sobering needs more time.

The ongoing rationalization of the marketplace lending space still has a way to go, says Ryan Gilbert of Propel Venture Partners, who notes that “too many princes have wanted to be kings, and they will not all be successful.” The fact that OnDeck and Lending Club posted upbeat Q2 earnings this past

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Too big to fintech? Hardly.

Too big to fintech? Hardly.

Looking back, it’s hard to believe the skepticism in the online lending sector that greeted the arrival of Marcus, Goldman Sachs’ online retail lending arm. After a few growing pains, Marcus has hit its stride, benefiting greatly from a parental balance sheet that has no legacy credit card business or branch network to constrain lending.

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Uber, SoFi, Dash and DefenseStorm.

Uber, SoFi, Dash and DefenseStorm.

SoFi, which just disclosed that it has applied to the FDIC for an industrial loan charter in Utah, has indicated that it plans to hire up to 400 professionals in Delaware. Also this week, Dash Financial Technologies hired Goldman Sachs capital markets veteran Robert Boylan to head business development, while DefenseStorm added Steve Soukup as chief revenue officer.

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